Stun Gun Jones to the Rescue (by Nathaniel Goodwin)

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Last night I was chatting a bit with fellow sloper Marketsniper. I told him that "Stun Gun" Jones had been freaking me out lately; always yelling out numbers, throwing rocks at my window and telling me to "Pay attention!" 

Marketsniper suggested I go get him a short dog and we hash it out on the curb. So I changed out of my pajamas, grabbed a case of Schlitz the Colonel had in the fridge and went looking for Stun Gun.

We worked and drank throughout the night; he was rambling off numbers like a madman using this weird chart with all these boxes and numbers on it. He told me to add some stuff to the chart I made a couple weeks ago and to watch for hidden resistance and support levels.

Right now I’m back in my pajamas drinking another Schlitz out of a champagne glass eating a ham sandwich.


(If it's hard to see the chart, hit Ctrl + to make it bigger)

I'm really not sure if some sort of top is in, but I will add shorts on strength from here with stops hidden above the high. If we break the high I’ll start watching the 1220 level.