Power Duet

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A few days ago, when the ES – – for absolutely no reason at all whatsoever – – had roared higher, tacking about 1,100 points onto the Dow within just days – – one of the better-known commenters here on Slope uttered just about the last thing I wanted to hear:


It just added salt to the wound. Of course, a wiser man would have taken this as a signal to go 200% short with all his margin buying power, but I did not. I simply sulked.

In case you haven’t figured it out from the chart yet, the ES did not, in fact, go straight up from that point. Reality – – a good friend of mine – – has once again sunk into the market.

Remember, my friends, bulls – – in the same fashion as Hillary Clinton – – depend upon bogus “stimulus”, government handouts, deceit, and the blinkered idiocy of the general public. Bears – – in the same fashion as Bernie Sanders – – have their principals based on honesty, integrity, and the truth. It’s as simple as that. Yellen, the most important person in this circus, is at her core evil, and she will fail.

We can now enjoy the Flower Duet from Lakme and ponder these words.