Principal Influence

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Well, another morning, another disappointment. When I hit the sack last night, the ES down down double digits, and the Chinese stock market was in another freefall. Before I fired up my iPad, I facetiously asked myself what I would think if the ES was green. Well, I didn’t have to wait long to find out, since everything had already reversed.

What’s really eye-opening is that even though the USD/JPY is down pretty firmly


………which normally would ensure a nice fat red number on the ES, it seems to have been overpowered by crude’s continued resurgence…….


Hence an ES that went from down double digits to comfortable green…..


Feh! Forgive me for whining, but after bracing myself for the weekend’s G20 meeting and its potential for a surprise announcement – – subsequently the meeting having produced jack squat – – I was hoping we’d shed some of those 1200 Dow points that have been slapped on lately. Nope. Not yet.