Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Macro Changes and Future Inflation Problems

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macrocosmEver since beginning the ‘Macrosom‘ theme in July (and updating it here), NFTRH has been managing macro changes that would positively affect the gold sector, and quite possibly have a negative effect on broad stock markets. Early on in the precious metals bear market we noted they were “in the mirror” and opposite the stock market, which on the post-2011 cycle has been the beneficiary of the Fed’s inflation, instilling confidence in their policies by conventional market participants (after all, the right assets were going up on this cycle). In August, it appeared that the first real thrust in the direction of our macro theme kicked in as the stock market cracked.


Weekend Content Coming

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I pride myself on cranking out content at a regular, steady pace here on Slope, even though I’m a one-man band. Today, however, all I’ve offered up is a link to a movie, a photo of a drunk rabbit, and an excuse. Let’s face it, when the entire day’s action on Thursday is for the S&P 500 cash index to move down 0.04%, there’s not a hell of a lot left to say about the market that I hadn’t said already on Wednesday night.

All the same, I’ll be writing a bunch of new posts tonight for publication this weekend. Hang in there.

The One That Drove Away

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A few minutes ago, I discovered something very surprising.

See, back in early 2005, when I first sold Prophet, I thought I’d treat myself to something special. i had, after all, worked 13 long years building the company, and after all that effort and risk, I decided it was time to give Tim a big present. So – – being a male and all – – I bought myself a sports car.

But not a typical sports car. Do you really picture me going out and getting something tacky like a Corvette? No, I wanted something beautiful. And the most beautiful car I could imagine (within reason) was a BMW Z8. Here’s a photograph:
