Bosses, Loved and Despised

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Here’s some interesting information about which CEOs are the most and least popular among their employees. I guess it’s no shock that Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVDA, is loved by virtually all his employees, since he’s made them all rich with a stock that goes up every single day. As for Evan Spiegel the CEO of Snap……….yeah, not so much.

I only discovered yesterday that the CEO of Pacific Gas & Electric (the huge utility firm) – – and keep in mind, this is a UTILITY company, which provides sewage and electricity to houses – – is getting over $50 million per YEAR for her services. Here’s a photo of her. Isn’t it adorable? She’s pretending to be a working class person, just like the poor sumbitches behind her. She’s just a regular person, no different than anyone else! You betcha!

The arrow points out when she got showered with PCG equity. I’d guess her fortune is monstrous at this point, because I’m sure it’s really rough going to meetings and reading memos.