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Those looking for a dip after yesterday’s record-breaking rally got just what they wanted last night, assuming what they were after consisted of a few points on the /ES in the wee hours of the morning.

The most important company in the history of the universe continues to be Nvidia, which is over $800 per share in early morning trading.

In turn, the NASDAQ is still utterly robust.

Apart from the world of Artificial Intelligence is the Real Economy, which I believe is accurately reflected in energy prices. Crude oil, for example, isn’t exactly showing NVDA-like strength.

Neither is natural gas, which I know some folks here watch intently. The big jolt higher a couple of days ago has been completely undone.

On a different note, I was watching the touchdown last night of the first lunar landing since 1972, and the first private lunar landing in history, and it was a success. The company which created the spacecraft, Intuitive Machines, more than double in price after hours once it was clear they had touchdown. Congratulations!