What a Dope!

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Many years ago, when I first read James Altucher, I thought he was a pretty cool guy. My opinion changed radically as I observed him move from one fad to another, hawking whatever was hot at the time and then quietly tiptoeing away from the scene when whatever he was promoting crashed and burned.

In the wake of the 2017 crypto wipeout (an industry he was actively promoted), he decided to latch on to the latest ‘next big thing”, which was pot. Here’s a snapshot of him mugging in front of a camera with his stupid fuzzy hair that’s supposed to make him look like an insane genius:

His ads were everywhere. He wanted to tell you about the ONLY stock you’ll EVER need (apparently all caps makes you money).

And you can plan on your “weed-tirement” – – oh, James!! – – and double your retirement savings.

Well, just like almost everything else Altucher has touched, whether it’s his multiple failed relationships or businesses, marijuana succumbed to the curse, and in a big way.

Since crypto has had a great year, he naturally has made this (once again) the carnival he’s hawking. This, above all over reasons, is why I think crypto is probably going to get wiped out as well.