Everyone Needs 3 Minutes!

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This entry over on /wsb caught my eye – – it’s from a fellow who quite obviously had a wipeout in his trading account, thanks to NVDA calls and, most recently, AAPL calls.

Apple??” you ask. “But that’s at lifetime highs!” Yes, you are right. But his post was from yesterday. He gave a bit of detail, too:

So, the big wipeout was when he dumped 200 June 21st $200 calls for 65 cents.

Now, to be clear, the screenshot below is already outdated, because AAPL keeps soaring, but you’ll get the general idea:

Likewise, I’m sure these options are even more valuable, but even as I compose this post, the puts he dumped yesterday are up ten-fold.

In other words, an updated chart would probably resemble this: