Learn to Code? Not So Much.

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The JOLTS report came out this morning, and it was another miss. The job market is withering away, and as the massive recession accelerates next year, I think millions of jobs are going to get destroyed.

As I’ve said many, many times, any young person spending four years to get a C.S. degree is insane, unless they are AMAZING at what they do and are getting it at a top-tier university like Stanford or CalTech. Below, straight from SlopeCharts (symbol FR:IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE) is a chart of how many job postings there are for CS jobs. Notice a trend here?

The advice to “learn to code” was idiotic (and, not surprisingly, offered by equally idiotic politicians). Good advice would be “learn a trade“, such as electrician or plumber. THOSE folks are going to be FINE.