Muchos Gracias!

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Good morning, everyone. I want to give a sincere thank you to everyone who participated in my Cinco de Mayo poll, particularly those that wrote me emails providing their detailed input. I appreciate it, because this is essential feedback for me. *Mwah!*

I look forward to keeping you folks posted on what comes of this. As you might guess, I am very attached to my little creation (Prophet) and am looking forward to breathing new life into it.

As an aside, please be sure to check out the "Watch Lists" on the right column. It will show you all my (short) positions right now, many of which are new. Maybe you'll see a symbol or two worth checking out. You can also look at my current set of representative positions; many of the recent shorts are showing losses, but I'm hopeful that will change very soon. I'll do a post later today……….thanks again!