The Abby Indicator

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Wow. We should have recognized this one all along. Abby Joseph Cohen was given the heave-ho from her very prominent, very public role into some similarly-named but not nearly as visible job at GS on March 17th. In other words, the loudest permabull on the planet was zapped by GS on the exact day of the market's low. How's that for a contrary indicator?

Unfortunately, that's not something we can make use of again, except insofar as public spectacles like that actually mean something.

I'll also mention that my little foray into being bullish on housing/financing stocks made me a few hundred bucks here and there, but I've sold all of these off now. There are breakout failures all over the place. I got lucky, but I don't think a long-term hold thing would bring anything but misery.

Hopefully a little later today I'm going to ask you to return all the love I provide in this blog by answering some survey questions. Stay tuned.