ABC Update

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Regarding this morning so far, I want to say something, but I can’t quite remember what it is. I think it rhymes with “Eye told you sew.”


Among other reasons, the Consumer Sentiment data I mentioned yesterday came out, and consumers are barfing all over themselves.


The other “told ya so” is much grander, and it has to do with what I dubbed in 2020 the ABC Stocks, or Accidental Beneficiaries of Covid. I expended gallons of bodily fluid urinating on these all through 2020 and 2021, but Lord knows I didn’t put my money where my big fat mouth was.

Suffice it to say my predictions that these “right place at the right time” dogs were headed for doom was spot-on.


Oh, incidentally, this morning I had a pretty good-sized put position on the IWM, and I freaked out at the huge pop and decided to sell it at a loss. There was a photographer on hand to capture the moment.
