Dildo Bros

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It’s truly sickening, looking at the tweets of the likes of Bill Ackman, Jason Calacanis, and David Sacks – – all of them billionaires, but every single one of them whining and pleading for the U.S. Government to BAIL OUT Silicon Valley Bank. Remember the game, people. Private profits (specifically, the men mentioned above). Public losses. Fuckin’ Ackman even has the gall to demand the announcement before the Oscars so he can enjoy the show.

These guys are capitalists. They are kleptocrats. Of course, since this pathetic nation has ZERO backbone, rumors are flying about this bailout (even for the so-called “uninsured“) so crypto went soaring.

There is hope, however. As your resident chartist, I want to point out that this could be nothing more than one last gasp before the real shit hits the fan. Here’s the daily chart of BTC:

In any case, I’m genuinely starting to hate this country. It used to be about fair play and meritocracy. Now it has one purpose and one purpose only: protecting the billionaires.