Jerome Bupkis

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First off, unrelated to anything to do with the markets, I think I’m ready to abandon the Chrome browser completely. It is a complete memory pig, and its problems are becoming legion. I never, ever though I’d say this, but I’m think I’m going to stick with Microsoft Edge. Just sayin’.

Anyway, speaking of Edge,, the world was on the edge of its seat this morning because Jerome Powell, whose utterances evidently mean vastly more than actual economic data, was going to make some dumb-ass welcoming remarks to a cadre of statisticians. The stories on ZH illustrate neatly how the “widely anticipated” speech turned out to be an absolute nothing-burger. Honestly, what did they expect him to say beyond, “Nice to see everyone here. Have a good time.”

As such, the market, always eager to lurch to new lifetime highs, isn’t doing dick right now. As I am typing these words, the /ES is up a few hundredths of a percent, and the /NQ is down a few hundredths of a percent. Be still, my heart.

I do know the ONE man whose words actually matter to the market, and if I were a bull, seeing this would strike icy terror into my soul…………….