I’m Finally Ahead!

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My beloved premium users have been following the saga of a little contest I’m having between myself and my late father. We Knight children were raised to be competitive, so even though my dad is on the astral plane, I’m still going head-to-head with him.

Anyway, here is his portfolio, anchored to a start date of January 4th, 2024. As of tonight, he is ahead 58% on an annualized basis, with the big winner being AMD, up 51.6%. For the sake of privacy, I have hidden the quantity and dollar figures.

As for my portfolio, which was 25 purchases of $10,000 each on the same day, I have, for the first time, bested my father with an annualized rate of 59%. My champion has been Coinbase (COIN) up 83.7%!

Nice to see that, after two solid months, good old classic charting is starting to win the day, and even a dumb old bear can pick good long positions.