Manhattan Musings

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Just minutes ago, I came in from seeing Uncle Vanya, starring Steve Carrell and the marvelous Allison Pill (both pictured below). I am a sucker for religion-infused sentiment, and this Chekhov play delivered. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It’s actually been years since I’ve been to New York (probably a decade or so), so I thought I’d share some off-the-cuff observations from my brief time here. I would like to point out that my exposure has been extremely geographically limited, since 98% of what I’ve seen has been walking distance from the East Village (although I like walking and have easily walked over ten miles in the couple of days I’ve been here).

Pot, Pot, Pot – Good Lord, people. Is everyone just stoned all the time? There are more cannabis shops than Starbucks, and the smell of weed is everywhere. From all the secondhand smoke I’ve been inhaling, I am at risk of contracting a contact high and becoming good-natured.

Gay, Gay, Gay – I’m also the only straight person that I’ve seen. By way of extension, I’m also by far the least physically fit. I struggled to get my pants on before tonight’s performance, and I was afraid the button would fly off and take someone’s eye out.

Magnificent Architecture – New York obviously has some of the most splendid architecture in the world, and I am particularly taken by the newest buildings, which are marvelously inventive, futuristic, and captivating.

Old Fashioned – This may sound surprising, but the vibe I get around here is how old school things are with respect to work. This placed is absolutely filled with 9-to-5ers. You can tell when the masses are heading to work. You can tell when everyone is leaving work. You get the sense that there is a sharp dividing line between Me Time and Work Time. This is rather alien to me, as the culture I come from has work as kind of an all-enveloping miasma. I come from an extremely diseased workaholic culture, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Fitness, Inc. – I know I’m always poking fun at fat Americans (and, God help me, I’m becoming one, although I’m hell-bound determine to get into my summer swimming and reverse this terrifying development). But there are no fatties around here. There are fitness clubs about every third door down, and the vast majority of folks here are incredibly fit and well-kept. I feel like a slob!

I’m sure I could dredge up other stuff, but I’ll end it there for now. I’m enjoying my time here, and I reach the same conclusion now that I reached when I was a little kid: New York City is absolutely amazing if you’re rich, and pretty dreary if you’re not. I’ve managed to sequester myself in a chunk of the city which is a total kick, including the fact that the site of CBGB is just a couple of blocks from where I’m staying.