Hello, Martyr. Hello, Fadder.

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Donald J. Trump has got to be the luckiest man alive.

Perhaps you’re familiar with the term “Million Dollar Wound.” It refers to a soldier’s injury which is sufficient to get him shipped home but minor enough not to be a real problem. Getting an arm blown off is life changing. Taking a bullet in the ass isn’t. And having a bullet graze your ear most assuredly is not. Yet those 20 milliliters of blood are going to pay HUGE dividends.

My wife and I were in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art when the news came through. We were instantly captivated by what was happening, and I’m sure Slope has been ablaze with chatter in my absence. I’ve said for months that he’s going to win, but at this point he’s going to WIN. They might as well just call the race at this point.

They’re going to be able to milk this until the end of time. Any talk about replacing Biden is going to vanish because, seriously, what would the point even be? And, most potent of all, the new “strategy” of attacking Trump as hard and aggressively as possible is going to be instantly aborted, because you cannot attack someone perceived as a victim. The chemistry just doesn’t work anymore.

It’s amusing how everyone is shrieking about how he took a bullet for all of us, and how amazing it is that he stood right back up again. Listen, I’d never want to be shot, but…………….there’s “shot” and then there’s SHOT. Theodore Roosevelt was shot at very close range (his shirt, complete with blood stains, is shown below) and he had a bullet lodged in his chest for the rest of his natural life. After he was shot, however, he wasn’t rushed away to medical care. Instead, he: (1) finished his scheduled speech (2) insisted that no harm befall the man who shot him. Boy, times have changed, eh?

In any case, things were already looking like a “lock”…………..

But, like I said, it’s time to accept that #45 is going to be #47 as well, because even though Biden’s super-mega-duper-old-age problem had already handed the election over to Trump, this ear nick has been the greatest political gift to befall any American politician in history.