Weekly Sector Report Expanded for Month (by Leisa)

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With this report, I plan to migrate from a table presentation to a graphic presentation. I'm leading with the monthly change as we just closed a month. I have colored the total stock market index in blue so you can see that as an easy comparative. I hope you like this new format. Click on the image to make it larger.


You can find the detailed report here. It includes all 164 DJ Sectors, the weekly, daily and monthly charts. 

Fujisan in her post today highlights the copper. I'll use that as a springboard to include a sector spotlight chart on the Dow Jones US Industrial Metals Index. If you desire to do a quick view of this sector, you can visit FINVIZ

Industrial metals

I want to point out something important about this chart.  That is that this sector bottomed before most of the other sectors. Russell Napier in his Anatomy of a Bear1  noted that one key to finding a bottom is noting that copper and durable goods orders are two important leading indicators.  I will remind you to from my previous post, that this sector is one of the last top in the last down draft.  Watch this sector interplay.

1 I highly recommend your reading this book.  It will give you great empirical information regarding shared qualities–both quantitative (prices) and qualitative (news flow)  of bear markets. Some of the widely held conventional wisdom are dispatched with impunity.