Plane Crash and FXI

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It's sad to say, but one of my great pleasures in life is reading the comments on Slope. It's great to pick up ideas, learn new methods, and feel the "vibe" of the market via Slopers. My week-long ski vacation has made it impractical to read any comments, let alone be part of the stream. (This has led to moments of mayhem, I realize, such as when people decided to change their avatars to twisted versions of your bedraggled host).

I imagine that within comments people mentioned the plane crash in Palo Alto, which killed three Tesla executives (one of whom was piloting the plane) and shut down power to all 28,000 residents and businesses of my fair city. The pilot was actually a decade-long employee of Ideo before Telsla; Ideo has been the next-door neighbor of Prophet for many years.

It really goes to show you how fragile life can be. One day you're an executive for one of the coolest companies in America, about to get rich off a pending IPO, and in a split second, your life is over. It also reinforces my refusal to go on small planes (let alone doing so in fog). It's especially ironic that, had I been in Palo Alto, the epicenter of technology of the planet, I would have been out of commission for the entire day, whereas up here in the mountains, I've got reliable power and connectivity.

I remain entirely short, which means the run from February 7th to today has alternately either stunk or been neutral, depending on the day. Today is one of the more neutral days, although we're edging down a skosh. I'm heartened that FXI is shaping up as I had hoped, as it is one of my bigger shorts.


I want to once again fall to my knees and thank my guest writers for stepping up to the plate and creating content for the blog. This little corner of the Internet means a lot to me, and I want to keep it lively. Thank you, everyone.