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There are two bad things about today for me: (1) Principal Financial Group, which is where, unfortunately, my IRA is held against its will, is still completely down. How can a brokerage be down for an entire week? So my stops are getting increasingly stale. I'm ready to strangle those guys. (2) I'm going to be on a plane most of the trading day, which for me is sheer torture.

For you, as a reminder, that means there won't be any more blog posts, except for maybe a quick comment cleaner after the close. So it's going to be pretty much an "all comments" day.

I'm having a good morning so far, but you never know how these things are going to turn out. And, OK, fine, I admit, I went ahead and bought some FAZ below $10 this morning, but I bought a sensible amount this time!

Good luck with your trading day, everyone. I'm looking forward to returning to Slope Normal tomorrow morning.