Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Maker Faire

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I was at the Maker Faire today for the third year in a row, not because I'm crazy about it (I don't even like it that much………) but for the sake of my son. It is,however, the only place on earth where, by way of contrast with the surrounding folks, I can be considered:

  • Stylish;
  • Slender;
  • Good-looking

All in all, it's kind of like Burning Man, but without the drugs.

I actually have some pithy stuff to say, but I'll hold off for the moment. If I feel like waxing philosophic later tonight, perhaps I'll crank up the laptop. In the meantime, a final good-bye to May (with a swift kick in its backside, just to say"good riddance"), and a hearty thank-you for everyone here.


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I had planned to have Slope moved over by June 12th, but I impulsively decided yesterday (that is, Saturday) to get it done before May was even over. Somehow I managed to make that happen.

Here are some remarks about the move:

  • It looks like Disqus is working (thanks, Daniel!) which will make this platform change much smoother for all the readers;
  • With some assistance, I was able to get all the thousands of posts from the old blog platform moved over, so we’re not starting from scratch (although these old posts lack the charts!);
  • For your aesthetes out there, don’t flip out at the ugly new style of the site. This is very much “Default” right now, and it’ll be improving in appearance quite radically throughout the month of June.

Well, I might as well give a chart a try; here goes – – Gold, for no particular reason:


Charts are going to be smaller (with the ability to see the larger chart if you click on it) to make bandwidth hits a little more kind.

Anyway, I’m just putting my toe in the water. As the summer wears on, it’ll be more and more obvious why this platform change made sense. Thanks for tagging along!

What’s Working, What’s Not

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Now that this wonderful month is through, I wanted to share charts of a couple of personal portfolios I manage. This will probably be my last post today (reminder: I've got a Spotlight Session half an hour after the closing bell).

At one end of the spectrum is my cursed 401-K, which keeps rising. I can't stand it! Its strength is representative of the market's refusal to move lower. At this rate, it won't be long before I'm moved this account up ten-fold from where I started. It is made up of a bunch of crummy long positions like CROX.

Kidding aside, obviously I'm happy that it continues to do so well – – – and it's reassuring to know that, with this style of trading, I can still make money in a horrendous environment like this.

The other one, I'm frustrated to pieces with, and it's my big account.

How stupid can I be, putting up personal details like this? Pretty stupid, I guess. But if transparency is what people want, transparency is what they're going to get. This community means a lot to me, and in the midst of all my griping, I want you to know how I'm doing in dollars and cents. Opinions and blathering is one thing. The equity graph is something else. It's all that counts.

Lordy, I hope June does better things for us all. I despise Spring. G'nite.

Out of Energies

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I saw this trio of comments a couple of posts ago:

Either people are able to follow my watch lists much more closely than I could have guessed, or the above is a snark-fest. Turns out Slopers are so damned clever they've found a way to track changes in my watch lists. Slopers have outdone Sloper. Amazing! And cool!


In point of fact, I did dump out of UNG, OIH, TBT, and DBC early today, and they were all pretty danged close to the top. Here, for instance, is UNG. I've cut 'n' pasted the confirm tickets from my broker's web site (the quantities are different since the buys/sells are done in  multiple chunks, but you get the idea):

 The reason for the sales is mostly psychological – – – in this environment, I am wanting to bag any decent profits I can, since things have been so difficult to trade lately. I still believe, as my post last night indicated, that energy markets probably have good times ahead, my desire to bank some profits trumps my need to allow myself to get stopped-out. So, snark or not, I'm out of all my big positions (except for being short SPY, entered earlier today).

Later today I am going to post my updated equity curves so you can see how I'm doing in general.