Gann Studies

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As some of you know, I am endeavoring to pass my Chartered Market Technician examination; I have passed the first two tests, and my third and final test is on the 25th of this month. I'm more than a little concerned about my ability to pass it, given the stories I've heard.

One of the books on the reading list is Constance Brown's Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional.  I'm about 60% of the way through it, and although I'm not that keen on it, there was one interesting chapter so far on Gann analysis.

One of my weaker characteristics is that I don't push myself to learn new things, and it's something I have to fight, particularly given what I do, so when something intrigues me even a little bit, I push myself to learn more. I'm going to start poking around the web to see what's out there, but I'm interested in what opinions exist out there on Gann and its effectiveness. I mean, that's why I'm in Jamaica, right?

Oh, and late-breaking news; thank God Captain Phillips is OK! This man rocks.