The Tao Jones

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Long ago, there lived a farmer at the edge of a small village.

One day, his best horse broke through the fence and ran away. The farmer's neighbors came to visit and give him their condolences for his loss.
"Such bad luck!" they said sympathetically.
"Maybe." replied the farmer. His neighbors were puzzled by his response.

The next day, the horse came back, and with it, followed two new wild horses.
The neighbors, hearing the news, visited the farmer again.
"Wow, such good luck you have!"
"Maybe" said the farmer.

That day, the farmer's son, while attempting to ride one of the wild horses, fell and broke his leg.
"Oh, how unfortunate!" the neighbors said.
"Maybe" the farmer replied.

The following day, a military brigade marched through the village on the way to war, drafting all the young men in the village for their army. They noticed the farmer's son's broken leg, and did not draft the wounded young man.
"Such good luck!" said the neighbors.
"Maybe" said the farmer.