That’ll Learn Ya

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Ever since the success of RoaringKitty (AKA DeepFuckingValue) with his GME calls, pimple-faced credit-card-borrowers have been falling all over themselves to strike it rich with the next meme stock. By and large, this has yielded nothing but blood and losses. The latest insanity was Tupperware (of all things) which blew higher on massive volume by hundreds of percent. Let’s just say this is starting to unwind in a big way already…………

The Burp is Back

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Oh, for cryin’ out loud……….

I’ve written about Tupperware (TUP) countless times, but I thought this thing and its horse were last seen fading off in the horizon. That was true until a couple of weeks ago, when the meme crowd, having lost their latest pipe dream of Bed Bath & Beyond, turned their attention to TUP, of all things, and pushed its volume up ONE HUNDRED FOLD and pushed its price up HUNDREDS of percent in just a few days.


Burped Too Soon

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Yep. I knew it. When I closed my Tupperware (TUP) puts five days ago for a triple-digit percentage profit, I had a feeling that, as usual, it was too soon. It just…….keeps………falling…………

I’ll say this as plainly as I can: there is hardly a single close of a trade in the year 2022 that was a good idea. Almost without exception, doing NOTHING was the right choice. Because……..this is a BEAR MARKET, and you want to know what stocks doing in bear markets? They……….