Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

What Market Art Thou? (by phantomcapital)

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Traders have one of the most difficult jobs in the
world.  On top of having to figure out
market direction we also have to fight emotion, calculate risk, determine trade
size, pick entries and exits, and battle to stay true to our trading
plans.  And then, after we master all of
these facets of the game, we then invariably will have a few days of "I
was right about direction, how come I lost money?" 

This weekend I was perplexed as to why I had a few long side
losses last week despite the trend in the S&P being very clearly
bullish.  So I started to ask myself
why?  What did I do differently?  And the answer hit me like a freight
train.  Last week I was trying to jump
the market early for a BREAKOUT to much greater highs, where as before I was
sitting back and JBTFD; just buying the freaking dip.  Why is this important?  Simply, the market can trend in two very
different ways.  I call them the Grind
and the Explosion.  The difference is
enormous and directly relates to trading strategy.  Let's explore. 


Trade Like An Idiot (by phantomcapital)

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We, as traders, are analytical and intelligent people.  We love numbers, charts, patterns, and correlations.  We are thinkers, always trying to read into
the future of the market, predicting where prices are going, and figuring out
how to profit from these moves.  While
these are great attributes to have, they can often be detrimental to a trader's
success.  Hold on, you ask, how is the
act of thinking bad for trading.  Its
called a trending market; or as I like to call it The Idiot's Tape.  Simply, in a trending market, thinking too
much can be hazardous to a trader's financial health.


I Have A Dream…Of A Correction (by phantomcapital)

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Let me tell you a quick story, I promise it leads to a point
about the market.  In January of 2010 I
went on a cruise with my parents the week of MLK Day.  The thought process was simple, I would only
miss four trading days instead of five, what could I possibly miss out on?  The market had been churning sideways to
slightly up for virtually a month and was showing no major signs of any
significant moves.  So it was the perfect
time for some Caribbean sun and a few drinks
with umbrellas stuck in pineapple.  I vividly
remember what happened next.  Wednesday I
was walking back to the ship, looked into a bar that had CNN on, and the ticker
showed the S&P -20.  Next day, the
same thing.  The day after that, same
thing.  I was FURIOUS.  The move I had been waiting over a month for
happened while I was stuck on a ship away from any way to trade.  So what's my point?  As always, let me present charts with

MLK Week 2010

MLK 2010



The January Effect (by phantomcapital)

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The January Effect, like its equally annoying cousin, the
Santa Claus Effect, is another delightful phrase to remind us all to continue
buying every equity that isn't nailed down. 
So let's look at this current January to see how things are
progressing.  First, buyers are supposed
to take advantage of lower December prices. 
Check.  Second, small cap stocks
are supposed to outperform in this environment. 
Check.  Third, the effect is
supposed to be strongest in the third year of a President's term (2011).  Check. 
I'd like to examine the last two Januaries to try and give some guidance
as to how this winter season will play out. 
As usual, I'll be presenting charts with numbers, and as always, the
numbers are just markers for my points, not waves.


The third year of the President's term gave us a January
Effect that was already well underway. 
1.  The November high just
slightly exceeded the high for the year. 
2.  Consolidation to give bears
hope for an end of the year selloff. 
3.  Break to new highs.  4.  An uninterrupted,
three month grind straight higher that absolutely blew the doors off the prior

SPX January 2011


The Obvious Bet is Obviously Right (by phantomcapital)

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Another year, another SEC college football
championship.  Here is the recap.  Alabama,
winners of two of the last three championships, lined up against an overmatched
team from Notre Dame.  Alabama's running backs were better, their
offensive line was better, their quarterback was better, their defense was
better, and most importantly their head coach had already won THREE
CHAMPIONSHIPS.  Yet there was a case for
all the "what ifs" that could help Notre Dame win. 
