Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Reality or 1995? (by phantomcapital)

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The question that needs to be asked about this current
market is simply, "is this 1995 all over again or will some sort of
reality take hold?"  The answer to
that question will predict how this market behaves for the next several
years.  While I fully understand why the
market feels like it will not ever go down again in all of human
history (The January Effect), this rally is now pushing the borders of
absolutely absurd.  So I fired up the charts
and took a look under the hood of this current bout of insanity. 

Current Reality

I feel the best way to look at "current reality"
is through the distance from the 200 Day Moving Average on the
S&P weekly chart.  The size of the weekly
chart gives great historical perspective. 
Simply, the mania of the 1990's ended in March of 2000, and since then, the market has had a totally different feel. 

SPX Weekly Chart


House of Cards (by phantomcapital)

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I'm going to save everyone the obvious joke about Netflix
releasing a show called House of Cards as their stock price defies gravity and
continues to float on a cloud of hopes, dreams, and Carl Icahn's influence.  But seriously, how sweet an irony it would be
if a show titled House of Cards marks the top of Netflix?  I'd have to rank it amongst one of the
funnier things to happen on Wall
St. in quite a while.  I will make my argument for shorting NFLX on
several fronts; fundamental, technical, and "seriously, its trading at
what and I can short it?!?!" common sense. 

House of Cards


If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It (by phantomcapital)

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Back on January 16th I wrote a post titled "The January Effect" simply stating that the beginning of 2013 looked absolutely identical
to the beginning of 2012.  Given the
selloff over the last week I wanted to go back and see if the 2012 analog was
broken and if it was time to wave the "all clear" flag for the
bears.  Bottom line, the analog is in
full effect and it looks like the bulls have another full month of smooth
sailing ahead.  Again, I'd like to
present the technical analysis via charts with numbers (the numbers are
markers, not wave counts).


$SPX Daily 2012


Bear Case In Two Pictures (by phantomcapital)

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During this incredible grind higher bears have made poignant
and insightful reasons why today is the top. 
Day after day, the top call fails and the markets float higher.  It seems the higher the market goes the more
long winded the reasoning becomes for why a top is just around the corner.  I'm a simple person who learns best from pretty pictures and
gets confused by droning theoreticals about market direction.  Therefore, I'd like to present the bear case
in two pictures.  

SPX Weekly Chart
