Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Financial Pugilist Part Two

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Boxing is a primal and brutal sport.  It is human conflict boiled down to its most pure essence.  Two men enter a ring and one exits as the winner.  In order to win the boxer must hurt, pummel, and assault his opponent more then he himself is hit.  There are no metaphors, similes, or descriptive comparisons for the imposition of one man’s will over another.  Boxing is a real, literal, and primal example of one man beating another into submission.  And this is what makes boxing a perfect sport to learn from as a trader.

Trading is one of the most simplistic ways of making money.  Every trade ends up as either a profit or a loss.  A trader extracts money from the market or the market deals the trader a loss.  Very simple.  Hit or get hit.  A trader has two choices: take money from the market or have it taken from them.  There are no do-overs, there are no mulligans, there is no way to spin result.  Every trade either makes money or loses money.  Brutally simple.  Hit or get hit.


Rage Against The Machines

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The current hot button issue lately has been the “Great Wealth Divide.”  Pundits across the world have given their two cents about how to fix the ever growing wealth divide.  Ideas range from tax reform to tax increases; giving more power to the workers or further encouraging the rights of corporations; education reform in low income areas and making community college free.  The big bright headline of “in the next year the top 1% of the world’s population will control over 50% of global wealth” has sent the globe, and the mouth breathing media, into a complete and total frenzy.  Yet with all the hot air being spewed from the mouths of Democrats, Republicans, Communists, Libertarians, MSNBC, Fox News, and just about every other dope with access to a microphone and camera I still have yet to hear a single person address the actual reason behind this ever growing wealth divide.  The reason for the ever growing wealth divide is quite simple but we, in our Politically Correct Society, are too cowardly to actually mention the true reason for the wealth divide in polite company.


Targeted Capital Explained

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First and foremost I want to thank Tim for allowing me to write a post about my book Targeted Capital: The Art Of Low Risk High Reward Trading.  Second, I want to thank the Slope community as a whole; so far the reception of the book has been nothing short of overwhelming.  Thank you so incredibly much.

Targeted Capital Amazon Cover (1)

I wanted to quickly spell out what Targeted Capital contains for those who might be interested in picking up a copy of the book.  I truly think Targeted Capital contains relevant information for all traders no matter what their style, market, or preferred timeframe of trading is.  However, the last thing I would want is for someone to purchase a copy and find that it is totally irrelevant to their style of trading.  Here is what the book contains.


Dead Soldiers Stay Dead

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“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.  He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”  -George S. Patton

Did you hear about that new medical invention that can now bring the dead back to life?!  No?  Oh, that’s because it doesn’t exist.  Just like there is no way to bring the money we lost in a trade back into the account.  Pardon the morbid start to this commentary but it is meant to shock us into paying attention to a very important point:

Small losses are better than large losses.

cut loss


Championship Consistency

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Nick Saban’s Alabama football automaton.  Floyd Mayweather.  Millions of words have been used to explain, laud, and understand both.  However only one is needed.  Consistent.  Huh?  Consistent?  I’m choosing one of the most boring words in the English language to encapsulate two of the most winning institutions in sports history?  Yes, 100% yes.  Sit down and watch an Alabama game or a Mayweather fight.  Know how many jaw dropping highlights you’ll see?  Zero.  Now watch lesser teams or undercard fighters.  Highlight after highlight.  For a trader the lesson is almost too large to put into words but I shall try.  As for the pictures; I’ve illustrated this post with photos of our two subjects PREPARING.  Vastly more important than end result evidence. (more…)