Tesla Fanboys In Revolt

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Of all the corners of the Internet that worshipped Elon Musk, none was more zealous than the one populated by the sebaceous young men over at the /wallstreetbets sub-reddit. They absolutely adored the guy, referring to him as “Papa Musk” and depending on him to make them rich before they reached the ripe old age of 25.

Well, just as the most strident anti-smokers are people who used to smoke but quit, likewise the young lads populating WSB absolutely despise Elon Musk, since they feel so betrayed by him. More specifically, since TSLA has lost three-quarters of its former trillion dollar market cap, countless Robinhood and E*TRADE accounts lay in tatters. If you visit WSB these days, you’ll find the vast majority of front page content is nothing more than some form of Tesla-bashing or Elon-raging. I offer to you a sampling:



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As you’re surely aware by now, the most widely-followed earnings report after the close on Wednesday was Facebook (umm, Meta), and they’re getting destroyed after hours. I first gained awareness of “The Facebook” years before most people, since their first real office was literally one block from my own in Palo Alto. Many times I would see Zuck walking around the streets, talking to employees one-on-one or, occasionally, jogging. I even remember their chalkboard sign propped up on the sidewalk encouraging applicants to come in to get a job at TheFacebook.com. Little did any of us know that it would (briefly) be a trillion dollar company. Here are some thoughts I have on the matter………..

Seven Years: Gone

The stock has already had a wretched year before today, but they’re getting torched by another 20% after hours (and what idiot jumped in immediately after the close and paid $142 for this thing, hoping to get in cheaply?)
