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President Trump exits Marine One at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after being diagnosed with COVID-19 (photo via Fox 5 New York). 

Military DEFCON 5, Market DEFCON 3

After President Trump announced on Thursday that he and the First Lady were being tested for COVID-19, Twitter users made Tim Hogan’s tweet about spotting Boeing E-6 Mercury planes go viral. Quoting Hogan’s tweet, Alexandra Chalupa described the purpose of that plane in alarming, but essentially correct, language. 


Revolution No. 9 (Part 2)

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Preamble: this is certainly not the first time the United States has gone berserk printing money in order to address its present woes. This habit dates back to the nation’s founding. Here is an excerpt from my Panic, Prosperity, and Progress book on one such instance. You can find the first part here.

As prosperous as the colonies were, the government itself had very little in the way of assets. The public was not inclined to a strong government, particularly given the behavior of the British crown, and it was agreed by the colonial leaders that the issuance of paper money would be more palatable than the creation of a tax to fund the war. The colonists were, after all, already weary of taxes.

The new currency, a Continental dollar, was carefully designed to be difficult to counterfeit, and initially a prudent issuance of $19 million was distributed, with one Continental dollar being on par with one gold dollar. General Washington intended to fight a war of attrition, counting on the British to eventually grow weary of the war, but it would be years before peace would finally be at hand. Thus, there were many years of substantial expenditures forthcoming, and the temptation to simply print up more Continentals to pay the soldiers and suppliers was hard to resist.


The Goldback

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At the time of writing, the S&P 500 was flat, and jobless claims fell far below official expectations. Secondly, the Federal interest rate was turning negative. Also, the measurement of Money Velocity reported that people are saving money more than spending it. As a result, this can adversely impact the US dollar and the GDP, creating the problem of inflation.

On the other hand, the gold price continues to grow and reaches new highs seemingly every day. Why is this happening? Basically, the gold price rises for the same reasons it usually does. Geopolitical unrest and events, waning faith in fiat currency, and the coronavirus are all major factors.

Currently, the gold price already grew 30% this year, so now it is on track for a great year similar to 1979. But if you are an investor in the stock market, hearing that inflation fears are driving up the precious metals prices might not put you in the best of spirits. Many new investors are entering the precious metals scene as a result, but many also lack direction. Are you worried about inflation and want to buy gold, but the gold price is off-putting? One solution is the Utah Goldback.


Jack Bogle’s Wonderful Life

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John C. (Jack) Bogle, world-famous founder of the first low-cost index fund, had a favorite film: the Christmas classic,  “It’s a Wonderful Life,” starring James Stewart as tempest-tossed George Bailey.

Everyone knows the movie and its theme: that life is best lived helping others.

And if you do right by others they will, for the most part, do right by you.

And you’ll have “a wonderful life.”

It’s what Peter Kaufman calls “mirrored reciprocation,” and it is far older than humanity.
