MLK PPP – Part Two

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Preface to all three parts: I’ve written dozens of books, but the only history book I’ve ever written was Panic Prosperity and Progress. This weekend, I’m sharing one of the chapters from the book in three parts, since it offers interesting lessons about what can happen when governments decide to experiment with finance and economics. Part One of this piece can be read here.

So impressed was the French court by Law that it granted him a new title – Comptroller General of Finance – and new powers. Law set out to take down what he saw as encumbrances to the economy, such as canal tolls and overly-large land holdings; he encouraged the building of new roads throughout France; and he put in place incentives, such as below-market low-interest loans, for new industries.


Fancy Pants

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Greetings from snowy Milwaukee. Whenever I travel, I’ll often swing by the newspaper stand at the airport and pick up a New York Times and maybe a Wall Street Journal. It gives me something to do on the plane if I don’t want to bother with WiFi.

A few days ago, I did just that, and there was a feature article about how people were dressing much more casually on planes. The article said that, on the one hand, a business traveler doesn’t want to wear a suit, but on the other, they don’t want to be loafing around in ratty old sweatpants. Thus, there was a happy compromise reached with “nice” sweatpants, and they showed about eight different choices. Here was one of them:


Dying from the Inside

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Some of you might have heard some rumblings from over in WSB-land. In fact, at 5 this morning, I sent the following email to Tom Sosnoff and Tony Batista, my colleagues at tastytrade:

I’m not sure if either of you ever don your hip waders and saunter into the madhouse which is /WSB, which the place has turned 100% into a mayhem-filled attic of people shrieking about how you can trick RobinHood into giving you obscene amounts of buying power (like $1 million on a $4,000 deposit). Seems their system is pretty broken, and figured you would want to know (although I suspect you probably know all too well by now) since their faulty code has really exposed them, at least to this group of degenerates on WSB.
