The More Things Change…

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As readers who’ve been with me for a while are well aware; I’ve made no bones about my feelings of many of today’s Wall Street darlings such as Facebook®, Twitter®, and so forth.

Although I criticize them, it doesn’t mean, nor should it be misconstrued that I’m belittling their original products or services. I believe now as I did when introduced the ability to connect or rapidly deploy information is groundbreaking. How these companies are suddenly worth Billions if not tens of Billions of dollars, while hardly generating any revenue let alone profit – is quite another. (more…)

Spiked Super Bowl Shuffle BDI Style…….EP XLVII

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richard-shermanGood afternoon Denver Dopes, just though I’d entertain you with a quick BDI Shuffle before the main event, the Sherman Super Bowl Shuffle, begins in earnest.  The suspect super strategy that I will attempt to tackle today should take us right into the end zone.  However, not for the 7 additional points that typically get tacked on after a stylish Deion Sanders super shuffle, I’m afraid.  Nope Dopes, this will be the super sucky “safety” variety of the obnoxious end zone jig, and those 2 crucial points against us may well cost us the big game. (more…)