The Last Bear Just Locked the Bunker Door

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My wife forwarded this (A Terrifying Vision of the End Game) to me last week.  It has gone viral after all (which is the only reason a finance-o-phobe like my wife – and like most normal people outside of geeks like you and me – would have seen it).  It comes courtesy of Business Insider, which saw fit to pump the bear case at the exact moment that fear could not get any more palpable in US and global stocks markets.

Now Zero Hedge is apparently still hung up on it.  I generally like ZH and marvel at the shear volume of information that these guys churn out; but come on guys, enough already.  Raoul Paul (a hedge fund manager no less; oooohhhhh) thinks the system is going to end and a new one will rise from its ashes.  Wow, ya think?


Nothing Really Changed Or The Cockroach Theory

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It is said that there is never just one cockroach in the house. The JPM $ 2 Bil. speculative loss reminds us of that. How many various other kinds of loss are hidden in the cupboard of the Fed? JPM is supposed to be the strongest of the rotten lot. What about BAC or C or other European Banks? We know for sure that many of those are zombies walking around.


Volcanic Euroption…………..Evil Plan 53.0 (by BDI)

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Well my fellow Slope-a-Dopes, it seems the ominous warnings signs, precisely laid out in EPs 47.0 & 51.0, illustrating the potential for a violent pan European eruption, were indeed on the mark. And this time, it's not just the Greek Gods that are pissed off. The Eurozone volcano is not only spewing gritty ionian volcanic ash clouds, grounding all Airbus a320's on the continent, but much more terrifying, the real thing, hot molten iberian lava which may well cause a complete melt down of the entire grid.
