Quixey Makes Sense Now

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The main drag here in Palo Alto is University Avenue, which is lined with pricey restaurants and retail. One city to the south of us, Mountain View, has their own main drag, and it’s called Castro Street (not to be confused with the gay mecca in San Francisco, half an hour’s drive north).

I’ve walked Castro many times (again, let’s not confuse the two), and I would often pass a very nice building which was neither a restaurant nor a retail store; on the front was a large sign, QUIXEY, and inside the building were dozens of young engineers, all of whom I’m certain were earning great six-figure salaries, working away at their keyboards. Beneath the “Quixey” name was the tag line: “The Search Engine for Apps”


How to Spin a Bomb

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I guess I’m past the point of pretending there’s a decent bone left in my body. Whenever I see news of another nuclear bomb test or missile launch, I stand on my chair and cheer. Anything – ANYTHING – to get this market to fall. So long as it doesn’t hit Palo Alto.

Now that I’ve finished being charming, I’ll mention the obvious, which is that, as of this moment, the ES and NQ are weaker and gold is stronger thanks to Kim returning to his shenanigans. Until this chubby, hairless blob of a man-child actually starts blowing things up besides fish in the Pacific, this dips are going to get tinier and tinier.

Hopefully Trump’s chiding and poking will push  him over the edge. Of course, Trump has a HUGE incentive to send Kim into a frenzy, since that would be the perfect, made-to-order distraction from anything pesky Mueller might serve up.


Short-Term Phase-o-rama

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My head’s in a bit of a whirl for a couple of reasons. First, I had a long meeting about overhauling good old Slope. That’s always a fun, creative exercise. Second, I enjoyed my second Blue Bottle coffee of the day during the same meeting, which is probably too much caffeine for my dainty constitution.

Anyway, just to share some thoughts on where the market stands………

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