Some Survivors

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Sigh. This market just can’t get any traction. No, let me correct that. It can’t get any downside traction. Every time I think that, at long, long last, we’re going to start going lower – – it’s over within a day. It’s disheartening, to say the least.

The past couple of days, of course, are what I’m referring to, since he had a nice beefy tumble on Tuesday……..and some great follow-through for a few hours (on the NASDAQ, at least) late Tuesday night. By end of day Wednesday, however, it was all over. Just LOOK at this madness!



iShop Until iDrop…………..Evil Plan 49.0 (by BDI)

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First of all, my fellow Slope-a-Dopes, I want to sincerely apologize to everyone, for my pathetic drama queen melt down display of last week.  Let's just say, I obviously snapped after I saw the market perform yet another victory lap dance, as soon as Benny Bigbucks announced that he would be handing out more free viagra laced Benjamins at "The Sniper", a famed Vegas strip joint.  As you well know, 2012 has been an absolute debacle for me. I feel much like the desperate, least attractive girl with the smallest tits, sitting alone at a table in the dark smoke filled corner, who gets zero action from even the horniest customers at the club.  


$1.5 Million Goners

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Anyone who trades equity markets on a regular basis knows all too well the feeling of regret. There’s really no such thing as a contented trader, because if the market is going against us, we wish we weren’t in position, and if the market is going for us, we wish we were more aggressively-sized.

Years ago, I even set up a page called Woulda Shoulda Coulda which lets anyone punch in a symbol, date, and purchase amount just to see what the value of any given security would be in the present day. Try it, and I guarantee you’ll want to tear your hair out.

I was reminded of the topic of regret when I stumbled upon this prominent post over in /wsb:
