Music Weekend (9 of 13)

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Preface to all posts: in an effort to get me out of a lifelong rut of avoiding humans and events at all costs, some friends are having me spend the weekend at a musical event. I’m driving very extensively and will be largely offline, so I’m putting up some Very Best of Slope posts in my absence. See you Monday morning!

SoftBank’s $4 Billion Pizza

Anyone who lives in the Silicon Valley has almost certainly seen one of these parked on a public street:

This is the Zume pizza van. They’ve been around for a few years and, briefly stated, their business model is using robots to make a pizza which is delivered to your door. Kind of interesting, right?


Music Weekend (1 of 13)

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Preface to all posts: in an effort to get me out of a lifelong rut of avoiding humans and events at all costs, some friends are having me spend the weekend at a musical event. I’m driving very extensively and will be largely offline, so I’m putting up some Very Best of Slope posts in my absence. See you Monday morning!

The Effect of Asset Inflation on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds

A bicycle ride gave me some clarity, and I wanted to share those thoughts with you now. And the clarity wasn’t a total accident. I was going to run an errand on my bike, and I told myself as I got on, “I’m going to think about asset inflation on this ride.” In this absurdly controlled market, one has to strive to create decent content, so I decided to put my mind to work.

So I took off. I love my neighborhood. I took a few moments of video on my bike to show how pleasant it is. Just block after block of this:


Music to My Ears

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I’d like to begin by thanking Platinum member Sandunes for pulling off the best application for artificial intelligence I’ve seen yet, which is to give Slope its own theme song. Thank you! It’s jazzy.

This morning, the bulls are, as with yesterday, trying to mount a counter-offensive. This base is pretty decent, but my spidey sense is that the result will be the same as yesterday.


Easter Eggs (18 of 21): The Software Guild

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Preface to all 21 parts: This is a special holiday weekend, because not only does it contain Good Friday and Easter, but it also begins the Slope of Hope's 20th year in continuous operation! Through the weekend, I will be sharing some of my favorite posts from the past, plucked from among the literally 30,000 posts I've created over the years. Here is one of them:

In the early 1980s, I unwittingly stumbled onto one of the biggest high-tech battles in business history. One which involved the largest legal payout ever awarded in a California lawsuit and sent a member of the Forbes 400 fleeing to a tiny island in the Marianas to hide from the tax man. And all I was trying to do was find a publisher for my computer games.
