An Unnecessary Erection

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I had never heard about the Legends Tower, but having read a bit about it, I must say something…………

This is a vanity project whose goal is to create the tallest skyscraper in the country. One would assume that with commercial real estate being in absolutely horrible shape, the last thing someone should do is sink billions into a tower whose only purpose in life is to be the biggest dick in the U.S.A., but, yep, that’s what’s going on. It was just approved.

So where is this monster phallus substitute going to be erected? Chicago? Los Angeles? New York? Nope, nope, and nope. It is planned for that pulsing, throbbing, epicenter of international growth and commerce, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma:

I’ve never been to Oklahoma’s capital, but just for the hell of it, I dragged the little person icon into Google Maps to get a street view of a totally random spot, and this is where I landed.

If this folly actually takes place and sees its way to completion, I can assure you it’s going to be a see-through building. This is honestly one of the most ill-conceived ideas I’ve ever heard in my life.

OK, Mr. Grumpy Gus! OK, Mr. Sourpuss! Is that all you’re going to do? Piss on OKC’s dream? You got any other ideas, bright-boy?

Well, sure, since you ask: screw the stupid idea about a multi-billion dollar building whose claim to fame will be instantly negated when some OTHER city comes along and builds a skyscraper a foot taller than yours.

Instead, coordinate the city and state government and make Oklahoma City the first municipality in the country to completely embrace self-driving vehicles. Work with insurance companies, auto makers, and city planners to focus on making OKC capable of transforming into a city with a meaningful percentage of self-driving cars by way of incentives and infrastructure improvements. You’ll get a lot of attention and positive press, and if you do it right, you’ll be years (if not decades) ahead of everyone else.

It beats a 1,902 foot tall dick.