Becoming Steve Jobs

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Well, my long weekend in Milwaukee is over, and I’m heading home. I’ve never been to Wisconsin in my life. It’s nice to see a place that (a) actually has real weather (b) doesn’t charge you an arm and a leg for everything. Looking at the real estate ads, it’s just bizarre seeing places being sold for less than they even cost to build. Comparisons to Palo Alto become preposterous. One could buy up an entire neighborhood block of houses for what it costs to get a nice house in my ridiculous burgh.


Calling All Testers

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Well, I’ve dropped more hints about my “project” that a Hollywood agent drops celebrity names, so I might as well come straight out and ask for your help.

I’m looking for people to test a new mobile app I’ve been developing. This app is just one aspect of a new business I’m working on, but it’s a vital one. The requirements for beta users are simple:

  1. You need an iPhone or an iPad with a cellular connection;
  2. You should enjoy getting out and about in your town;
  3. You need to print, sign, and mail in a non-disclosure so that my project is kept secret (please write the email address you use for your iTunes account on the form in the space provided).

Click here to download the non-disclosure agreement. which is a Word document. Mail it in to Tim Knight, 555 Bryant #711, Palo Alto, CA 94301 and I’ll be in touch via email about next steps.

A number of you have already written, expressing interest in testing this mysterious new creation of mine. Now’s your chance! Thank you very much.

Quick Take on Jobs Report

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Hello from pitch-black Palo Alto, where I stand bleary-eyed and, for no particular reason except intense curiosity, am watching all the quotes whiz by now that the jobs report has come out. The market’s reaction is pretty fresh (since the information came out, as ZH likes to say, “moments ago”) but here’s my quick told-ya-so take:

  1. Jobs growth is weakening – no big surprise here. I think there’s a huge amount of fake, phony, and flimsy to this recovery, and it’s evident from a swath of economic data that things are petering out.
  2. Slope+ members are probably happy looking at a particular symbol’s reaction
  3. Interest rates are going to stay zero forever just like I’ve said over and over and over. All this chatter about “March 2015??” or “June 2015??” or “September 2015?” is a joke. The interest rate graph has been bearish for years, and bond bulls are going to continue to beam. We are heading into a deflationary environment, and the likelihood of interest rates going up are the same as {insert absurd visual here about Yellen or Hillary that the kinder, gentler Slope is too nice to print.}
  4. As for ES and NQ, I rely on my permanent mantra: the redder, the better.

Signs of the Times

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Well, I need never fear my local tax dollars aren’t being well-spent. The city of Palo Alto paid for a sign to assure the (surely overpaid) assistant principal had his/her own parking spot. Well, they couldn’t manage to spell “assistant” properly, so they hastily paid for a replacement sign that reserved the spot for “A.P.” (I suppose they didn’t want to risk misspelling it again, and initials are usually pretty safe). Not to rest on their laurels, they paid for yet another sign to replace it the next day. Never have I seen government move so swiftly! Perhaps to hide what buffoons they are. Embarrassment is a powerful motivator, it seems.


Real Vision TV

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Grant Williams, who is an extraordinary writer, blogger, and thinker, was kind enough to invite me to coffee when he was visiting Palo Alto a few months ago. He told me about a new venture he was launching called Real Vision TV, which is now live and you can visit by clicking here. My shorthand way of describing it would be “ZeroHedge, televised”, but probably with a good dose less tin-foil-hat and lunatic comments. It’s unique, thought-provoking, and gaining a lot of momentum (plus, I’m honored that they wanted my own contributions with some charting videos). Be sure to check it out; it’s one of the coolest things to happen in finance media in ages……..(and they got a lot of attention with their recent Albert Edwards interview):
