This Isn’t That Bad, Fellas………

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It was only a few weeks ago that the asset markets were at the highest levels in the history of the universe. We have recently seen a tiny bit of slippage in the form of a few percent here and a few percent there, but that little paper cut is enough to make this the top story over on /wallstreetbets:

Seriously? Seriously??? You people have had basically a NONSTOP BULL MARKET since 1982, and you’re whining and bitching and threatening suicide because the Dow isn’t at 100,000? Oh my GOD, if you were bears, you’d have killed yourself fifty thousand times already, you permabull wimps! Welfare queens! Pantywaists!

Here, let’s take a look. Below is the past couple of years on the S&P. As you can see, there’s been a burp recently.

What in the hell are these entitled, limp-wristed “traders” going to do when a REAL bear market comes along and grinds it out for years? Oh my GOD, these bulls do not KNOW what it is like to persevere. No character at all. NONE.