Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Bring on the Sweet Yoke!

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For those of you who enjoyed the enchanting In Trutina song from earlier this week, here is the Latin (in which it is sung) and an English translation.

In trutina mentis dubia
fluctuant contraria
lascivus amor et pudicitia
Sed eligo quod video
collum iugo prebeo
ad iugum tamen suave transeo

I am suspended
Between love and chastity
But I choose
What is before me
And take upon myself the sweet yoke

DeFazio and the Trader Tax

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Many people have written me (and continue to write me) about the proposed "Trader Tax" by Congressman DeFazio of Oregon.

Some might wonder why I haven't gotten riled up about this tax. I guess after my stab at populist activism last autumn, where I regularly encouraged people to fight against the Wall Street Bailout – – and saw how far that got us – – I didn't feel like tilting at another windmill.

But after watching this clip of DeFazio on Fox Business News, I find myself newly inspired. I suggest you:

  1. Watch the clip (and pay particular attention to the combination of smugness and ignorance by the Representative)
  2. Look at the bill 
  3. Sign the petition to stop the bill

The notion that people like you and me are "Wall Street" and that we should bail out the country is beyond moronic. Let's do our part to stop this.

Real Estate

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It's starting to dawn on me that I'm not a permabear. I'm a permacontrarian.

Now, I know everyone calls themselves a contrarian, but that is, by definition, impossible. I suppose I have a fondness for being different.

Having said that, and having gone through about 500 charts just now, I've plucked out 36 promising looking buys. A number of them are in real estate. Here are a few.

As with all my other longs, the stops on these aren't far enough away to make them especially dangerous.