Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Off to the Hornet

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I've decided I am going to dispose of the guilt I have about letting too many comments accumulate. If I do a post on Friday afternoon, and by Monday morning there are 700 comments, so be it. I have a lot going on in my life, and believe me, I'm only going to get busier, so you should know that "xTrends-effect" (giant comment threads) will probably happen here too. Don't bother asking for comment cleaners. I'll do posts as time – – and the inspiration – – comes along.

After all, I pay good money for financial newsletters that come out three times a week. I've been doing something like three postings every few hours. My schedule – – – and the attitude I'm starting to see creep in from some readers – – convinces me to not worry so much about doing a dozen posts a day for my free blog. Maybe it'll be just one or two.

Having said that, one of my favorite charts is about the most low-tech imaginable……….it appears each day in the New York Times. I've scanned in today's:

I've added the circles on my own. This chart, simple as it is, has been really helpful to me during this bear market, because each time the indexes fight their way back up to one of those shaded zones, it's usually a sign that weakness is about to return.

In spite of having many long positions, I am more convinced than ever we're going to see weakness next week. I'm prepared for either direction, but a downward market would be more beneficial to me than continued strength.

Annual Barron’s Brokerage Review

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I'll start this Saturday morning by saying how sad I was to read that TraderTamas, one of our most prolific commenters, has decided to leave not just this blog but all blogs. His reasoning is that the comments and opinions of others throw him off his game and damage his trading.

This, to me, is a personal decision, and everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint based on personal experience. Personally, I've grown more and learned more as a trader by reading all of your comments than at any other time in my life. Regular readers know how frustrated I get when I don't have time to read comments, because I find them so nourishing and enlightening as a trader.

Some folks chimed in to say they agreed with his point of view. I think this may be a case of false causation. TT mentioned he had one really nasty trade this week, so the logic appears to be that the corrupting influence of outside opinions caused that loss. Speaking for myself, as long as there is someone besides me in there making comments, I have no intention of leaving! That, to me, would be a true loss.

This morning Barron's has their annual brokerage survey, which you can read in its entirety. The table below provides the bottom line.


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This will be my last post for Friday.

I "discovered" e-mini S&P futures last autumn, and I've been addicted ever since. I notice there are a few other relatively active e-mini markets, such as these:

I'd be interested in knowing your opinions (via the comments section), both good and bad, about trading these markets. I'd also be interested in knowing if there are any other juicy ones I missed. Thanks!