Lottery Trim

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OK, serious, serious catch-up time on going through positions, looking for new opportunities, and so forth.

My first analysis was of my 34 "lottery" picks in my IRA, which are now my 25 picks, since I sold off 9 I felt had fulfilled their potential. In some cases, the bear in me really wanted to sell, but I keep telling myself that as long as there is no technical basis for the sale, I simply must tighten up the stop and hang on. Here's an example.

I am up nearly 150% on this position, and seeing it push to, say, 14, is very hard for someone with my tendencies. But I'm trying to fight those tendencies (which basically make it hard to believe a stock can simply keep punching its way higher), since they are responsible for me missing so many bullish moves in my earlier years as a trader-in-training.

I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about stocks in general for today. The /ES has been stuck between about 834 and 844 for a long, long, time, so I'm going to let that battle wage and show me some direction. Until then, I'm doing the equivalent of cleaning out the garage by reviewing all my positions.