Montego Bay

By -

Hello Everyone,

I have a million thoughts raging through my head right now, but most of them having nothing to do with charts. I get really rattled when I get out of my element – – not in a bad way, but in a mess-with-yo-head kind of way – – and traveling to a new place and seeing different people makes my habit of thinking too much almost oppressive.

One thing I can say without hesitation is that the economy is definitely having an effect here in Jamaica. It's Easter weekend, and this place is practically deserted. At this very moment, on the huge lawn below, DJs are playing music, and there isn't a solitary soul out there. Well, there were a couple of kids pushing each other around in a cart with the phrase Life Is Good painted on the side of it. Painful.

I also wonder how much of the "Yah, Man' and "No problem" is an affectation and how much is just a regular speech pattern. It's kind of charming the first couple of times you hear it, but after a while – – sort of like the Ritz Carlton's "It's a pleasure" – – it sort of grates on you. Man, I'm a miserable creature to be worrying about stuff like this.

Anyway, things will continue to be weird and spotty. I hope Slope still has its audience by the time things are back to normal on Wednesday.