Tim Trivia

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OK, it's comment-cleaner time. Here are seven fascinating facts (OK, maybe not) about your host, since I'm not going to get around to any market analysis until later this weekend.

  •  I can vibrate my eyeballs. No, I'm serious. I can make both eyeballs vibrate at a really high speed. By definition, I have never seen myself do this, and judging from how people react, I don't want to videotape it to see for myself. What possessed me to try this in the first place years ago is beyond me.
  • When I moved to California out the age of 13, just about the first girl my age I saw in my new home state was the future Mrs. Bear. Divine providence wins again!
  • Numbers are a huge hang-up of mine. Some would call it superstitious. Others would call it OCD. Most would simply roll (or vibrate) their eyes and move on.
  • I have rock-solid circadian rhythm. I never need an alarm clock. I can get up at any precise time I decide to get up, even if I go to bed late. Plus if you ask me what time it is, I'll probably know within a few minutes (no, smarty, I don't wear a wristwatch).
  • I managed to attend the entirety of middle school, high school, and college without attending a single athletic event. Rock on!
  • I took four years of Latin, and my school was one of the very few on the entire west coast that even offered the language. This was, in its own way, a cry for help on my part.
  • In a final stab at a mid-life crisis, I bought myself a brand new BMW Z-8 after I sold Prophet. It occurred to me that I haven't had a commute in 13 years, and driving from Stop sign to Stop sign in Palo Alto doesn't demand a high-end sports car, so I sold it for the exact same price I paid one week later.

OK, that's enough for now.