More Green Shoots

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With the market up in the triple digits (and why not? our banks are healthy!) I figured I would be getting mauled. But as I kept glancing at the sum total of my portfolio, I was down, but not by that much.

How come? At first I thought all the stupid stocks in my IRA were saving the day, but they really weren't up that much. Then I looked at my options screen (I have 43 put options) and expected to see a solid wall of red. Instead, there actually was a fair bit of green, and a few of them were doing pretty well on a day like this.

To any of us, the most important "indicator" is our own bottom line. It looks like, even today, some of the more bearish patterns are actually still managing to act that way. Like one of my oft-mentioned favorites.

Anyway, I really have to study, so I probably won't be doing another post until a one-sentence comment cleaner after the close. Thanks for understanding.