Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Gaul!

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I’ve read about novels written by Koreans and Japanese by cell phone. The pointlessness of that is Matched only by its difficulty, as I stand here on a cool Parisian morning typing this out one character at a time while I wait in line in front of the Air France ticket office.

The latest word is that flights are re-opening, but between the huge backlog of passengers and the tenuous nature of the re-opening, I have my doubts about even making it home by Sunday.

As for my trading, it’s been going pretty well during my stay. Last Wednesday stunk, but otherwise a bearish tilt has served me well. I lightened up considerably Monday morning, and my largest positions now are a long in GLD and a short in TLT. A long position in TWM is my only large bearish equity position.

A push to about 1200 and a resumption down about 50 points smells about right to me. Now that the government has grown a pair and is willing to take on the Anti-Christ, it has emboldened both governments and corporations alike. I never thought I’d actually cheer on AIG, but I am. Go get ’em! GS must be destroyed.

I know you’re probably weary of my saying so, but Leisa has held this place together. In fact, traffic is on the way up! So bless you, dear Leisa, for being the uber-Sloper.

That’s enough typing by iPhone for now. I’ll keep everyone posted on the progress of this Volcano-induced adventure.

MOS – Breakdown (by Goatmug)

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A breakdown in MOS is fully underway.  I've been watching this stock with anticipation.

I will present a few views of the stock.    Here is a weekly view of MOS.  MOS is currently trading at $52.59 as I'm typing.  Support, (which has been breached) is found at $52.75 and as I am typing the fertilizer company is punching through to the downside.

ScreenHunter_01 Apr. 19 10.44

Below is a 2 year daily view of MOS.

ScreenHunter_02 Apr. 19 10.48

Finally, here is a close up daily view. 

ScreenHunter_03 Apr. 19 10.50

Target for this short is $48.00

Stop – $53.25

For those that look at long term trend breakdowns such as the 14/34 EMA the 14 day EMA has turned down, but has not crossed over the 34 indicating a long term breakdown and change.  Therefore I simply have identified the $48 area as a target for this short.  If that 14 day EMA does cross over, I'd obviously retain the short for a longer term trade.



Mole’s Quick And Mostly Dirty Weekly Forecast

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<shameless plug>The following was available to Evil Speculator subscribers over the weekend. Unlike other subscription blogs Evil Speculator has been shifted towards a hybrid system in which important analysis and trade ideas (i.e. symbols, setups, etc.) are available to subscribers first but are later opened to a general audience. If you are 'evil speculator curious' drop by for a visit anytime – we're up to no good on a constant basis.</shameless plug>

Alright, let's dig right in:

We are thinking long term here. This is my radioactive fusion
powered 5-day MA Copper/SPX chart. The MA is on the Copper futures and
what we are looking for are long term divergences. Yes, long
term – the short term is way too noisy for me to attach any
interpretations. Quite salient is the ‘mother of all bullish
divergences’ in March of 2009. Wish I would have seen this one back
then as it would have helped in assessing the timing of the finale of
the trend.

But wait – there is more. Let’s project forward a little and
consider what ‘may’ happen if we get something that may look like the
onset of Primary wave {3}. After the first major drop we would a see
snap back into Intermediate (2) – which should not be confirmed by the copper futures.
Remember – we are looking for divergences in the scope of Primary or at
least Intermediate degree moves. Anyway, it’s a good theory – for now –
let’s keep an eye out and put it into context along with some of the
other charts I’m peddling here.

That’s this week’s shock and awe chart – I’m shocked that
the CPCE’s 10-day SMA did not budge after Friday’s drop. My take – the
bulls see this as nothing but yet another dip buying opportunity. Well
– we shall see shortly.

During Friday’s session got dangerously close to busting outside the
upper border of the 2.0 BB on Mr. VIX. Fortunately we did close inside
– meaning no buy signal (yet). Doesn’t mean we won’t get one though –
IMNSHO we might see a repeat of what happened late January.

I’m no P&F pro but that upper trendline I pointed out last week
seems to have served as resistance – thus far. If we get a drop to
1,180 on the S&P 500 cash index this chart would show a first
circle as a possible beginning of a downtrend. Not sure if that is a
‘confirmation’ of a reversal but it does count and becomes part of the
chart, so let’s just go with that unless we hear otherwise from a
P&F pro. I have highlighted the 1,180 mark on my wave count below
as well:


You might want to open this one in a separate window/tab by clicking
on it – it’s got quite a lot of detail. I won’t repeat all my comments
here but suffice to say that I have a feeling that things are slowly
shifting back into focus now. The retracements all line up quite nicely
and we might just have ourselves a map here.

Soylent Blue means that we are either done with Minute {iv} or will
be by around 1,180 – that P&F reversal point I highlighted above. I
postulate that we may bounce a bit before that and keep it off the
P&F chart – but that’s just a theory. If we keep dropping through
that point Soylent Green becomes a lot more realistic. The target for
Green is the 1,145 cluster as we are near a respectable fib lines, i.e.
38.2% on the way down and 100% of {i} on the way up. That’s right – I’m
the tamer of ferocious fib lines – Siegfried & Roy have nothing on
me ;-)

Some other comments on the chart – I think it’s a decent map – keep it handy as next week unfolds.

