From a birthday party (one of two I attended today – ahem). Untruths abound!
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Slope Needs a Wiki
There's something I've been wanting to do for a long while, but I know I'll never be able to find the time. Specifically, I'd like for a SlopeWiki to be created.
Slope has, as far as I can tell, the most dynamic and active culture of any financial blog. Most of the financial blogs out there have little or no community activity. Even the blogs which appear year and year after year on the "best of blogs" lists (mostly by reporters who simply copy whatever list they can find on the web; cough cough) have little or no comments. Slope, on the other hand, garners over ten thousand comments per week by a cast of characters that seems to pretty much live here.
I'm chagrined to confess that, for four years, I've been following the tale of Casey Serin (don't even get me started), and that sub-culture has, on its own, created an amazing wiki called CaseyPedia, which is obviously a work of love and effort. I'd like something like this for our own community here.
I mean, only regulars are going to know the import and meaning of terms like…
+ The Russian
+ Bacon
Added to which, don't you think Market Sniper deserves his own wiki page? And Iggy? And Vicous? Otherwise, those who spend fewer than 40 hours per week here will be lost.
So if any of you have the time, talent, and inclination, let me know. This will be your baby. It'll be your job to administer this thing. It'll be our job to flesh it out with content. But you'll earn the respect and gratitude of a worldwide group of lunatics.
Weekly Sector Report | 06/04 (by Leisa)
A tough week in the market for the bulls, but the bears were plenty happy. (Editor's note: yes, we were.) The total stock market index was down 2.52 %, and all 24 of the major sectors were in the negative. See the table below.
(Click to make larger)
For the more detail subsectors, below are the best/worst performing over the last week.
(Click to make larger) Source: WSJ
I've prepared a detailed report on the sectors, which you can download here. Make sure to adjust your pdf file viewer settings to see the charts clearly.