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40 Short Setups And Stop-Losses – Part One (By Ryan Mallory)

By -

Since the last time I posted my watch-list it has nearly doubled in
size. So much so, that I am breaking my short watch-list into three
separate posts. As I always
do, I updated the stop-loss for those that are carry-overs from last
week, and provided you with a stop-loss for the ones that are brand new
to the watch-list this week (forgive me, as I actually forgot to highlight the ones that are new additions to the list – about half of the stocks are new to the list).

There are lots of different rationales for
why I have each of these stocks on the list, and even though I don't
explain my rationale for each one (I'd be forever typing out this post
if I did), I can break them down into three categories; 1) Price and
volume pattern is intriguing 2) Stock has been heavily sold-off in the
recent days or weeks, but still remains on the list for a possible short
off of a weak rally, and 3) Stock is one of interest to me, such as
Goldman Sachs (GS), so I keep it around in the case that there is a
setup that is too good to pass up. Most of them fall under condition #1, though.

Here is Part One of
My Short Setups with Stop-Losses

Check out Ryan's Blog at