Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Back in the USSA (by Scalded Chimp)

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Hola.  Long time – no post.  Been on a six week work assignment which took me around the globe (more China, India, and Europe local market insights later).  I just wanted to get back in some rhythm and get into the market again.

Back in mid-August, I noted a support & resistance zone I’ve been watching.  Going back to July-09, this zone has seen multiple events with that day being the latest resistance drop down.  [I wrote the following sentence on Mon the 18th:] A few days ago, we broke through to the topside again; so this zone should provide some support in the days & weeks to come.  Sure enough, a 2% down day bounces like a POMO superball. 



On a related and somewhat conflicting note, I ran the parallelogram chart and it looks like the SP500 has just bumped its head against a long term downtrend line going back to the 07 high, as well as the shorter term uptrend line:




Here it is closer:




Since this time, the price data is bullishly above the cloud; so I’m hesitant to short with any commitment.  However, given the loft above most of the MAs and the parallel trend line resistance, I might dabble short a bit if I can find a really overextended name.

 On a totally unrelated note, does anyone else think tonight’s pitcher for the SF Giants (Tim Lincecum) looks like a slightly more grown-up version of Mitch Kramer from Dazed and Confused?  You be the judge:

Lincecum      Mitch

Video Production Halted

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I've been using computers since 1979, and in those many years, I've acquired a sixth sense about the nature of technical problems.

Unfortunately, sometimes these problems don't yield very descriptive terminology. My laptop – one of three that I use daily – is acting………well………weird. I'm not sure if it's a hard drive problem, although I have, several times now, pressed my ear hard up against the case of my laptop and listened for a while. I imagine fellow patrons at Starbucks – – or passers-by in the street (yes, I do this while I'm walking too) must wonder what I'm doing.

I can tell you this, though – when I fire up Camtasia, the process appears in the Task Manager, but the application never actually becomes visible.

In any event, my laptops all serve different functions, and this particular one is used for blogging and – more important – putting together my videos. I was full off piss 'n' vinegar this afternoon, and I jotted down the outline of what I think would have been a really fun video. But, alas, I'm still combating laptop woes at this point.

I hope this poor little machine is in at least decent enough shape to serve as my blogging platform. I'm going to keep tinkering with it, and – who knows – if I have some kind of breakthrough – maybe my video will come to be after all.