Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Political Discourse

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I wanted to – – yet again – – address the issue of the comments section.

It has been well-established that the Slope of Hope is a website dedicated to providing tools to help traders make better decisions. These tools are principally centered around my lifelong passion of reading charts.

When I began this site in 2005, it was merely a blog, and the first custom code I had created for the site was for comments beneath blog posts. Millions of comments later, the 24/7 discussion that goes on has become a staple of the site where friendships have been made, knowledge has been imparted, and even celebrations arranged.

It should not be a place for digital fistfights, personal attacks, or an outlet for lonely men wanting to push their agenda – – or push others around – – just because they have nothing better to do. It poisons the site, and I have found trying to tame the tiny handful of people stinking up the joint to be tiresome. Indeed, at this very moment, I am typing these words from the balcony of my residence in Jackson instead of relaxing.


ETF Reflections: Metals

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Preface to all ETF Posts: I am composing this on Thursday afternoon, so the charts will be up-to-date as of then. I wanted to make some general comments about specific ETF groupings, principally to give me a little time to not have to worry about creating new content for you good people in the near-term.

I’ve confessed that I treat gold like an ex-girlfriend after an ugly breakup. My view is poisoned. All the same, I stand by my chart. I think we’ve started to reverse, and I’ve got a bunch of puts on GLD.

slopechart GLD

ETF Reflections: US Stocks

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Preface to all ETF Posts: I am composing this on Thursday afternoon, so the charts will be up-to-date as of then. I wanted to make some general comments about specific ETF groupings, principally to give me a little time to not have to worry about creating new content for you good people in the near-term.

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but I’m a stocks bear. I’d like to share a few major equity ETFs with that in mind.

The most important one, to me, is the small caps symbol IWM, which has been landlocked in a range for the entirety of 2021. It has made five serious attempts to break support, and this most recent one is particularly exciting, because it also happens to be near a very long-term supporting trendline (the red one). Break 206.52, and it’s bombs away.

slopechart IWM