Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Electric Shock

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Early this year, when I was still despairing if a real bear market would EVER transpire (little did I realize it already had, just a few days prior), I actually considered, God forgive me, putting $10,000 each into a variety of electric car makers. I actually convinced myself that, yeah, maybe these ARE like little Teslas. I didn’t buy a single share of any other them, but I did, on that day, create a portfolio on my spreadsheet as if I did. Let’s just all agree that I dodged a bullet on this one.

Beyond Permabull

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Analysts get on my nerves, not only because they seem to have no idea what they are doing, but also because they are insanely well paid for it. The one I abuse the most these days (as does xTrends) is Marko Kolanovic, JP Morgan’s shill.

He has spent the entirety of 2022 talking about how the market is oversold and how it’s time to BTFD. He hasn’t been right even ONCE. He’s constantly on television talking about how the time to buy stocks is, oh, let’s say, right about NOW.


Irony of the Year

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Although I don’t trade it myself, I just saw this admonition pop up on one of my brokerage accounts.

So let me get this straight – – a financial instrument is designed to allow people to take advantage of increase in volatility, but the moment the market gets some volatility, they suspend trading it? OK, got it. You can imagine how delighted owners of VXX must be right now, since they’re foreclosed from, ya know, taking profits.